
Stupid IT Project Managers serves to bash away the constant mistakes made on a daily basis, across the world, by managers of IT (Information Technology) environments.  Managing people and projects is an art and science, yet there are techniques to doing so the right way. This blog will talk about the bad things going on and offer solutions to make everyone's life a lot easier.  Sure, it will spark some conversation and this blog is designed to make people feel slightly uncomfortable, yet be their guilty pleasure. Think of this site as a comedy show with some truth to it. When people go to comedy shows, they know they'll laugh and learn something, yet they will even chuckle at the offensive parts because they understand what the intent is.

The intent is to treat this like a comedy show. Sure, there will be offensive language but the intent is not to offend you. You should be smart enough to read through the offensive material and realize the value. Managers make mistakes and will continue to make mistakes, but the goal is to talk about them so they don't keep happening.

Bottom line, I (Mr. Logic) know how to laugh at myself and the mistakes I and other people make and so should you.

Stay tuned. You can subscribe to the RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/stupiditprojectmanagers as well as follow me @TheRealMrLogic.

Thanks for reading. Keep this blog relevant by leading IT managers and actual workers here for laughs, insight, and further debates. Continue to submit your management stories to stupid.it.managers[(at)]gmail.com. Your identity will be kept private.

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