9 times out of 10, there is no such thing as a deadline. Do you know what a deadline is? It is a compound word where dead means death and line means time. A deadline means that someone will die if things are not in order when the given time passes. 9 times out of 10, there are only goals not deadlines. Managers, especially upper management, use the term deadline to put fear into the work environment. In their pathetic insecure minds, they actually believe this tactic will increase productivity. No, what it does is turn your environment into a slave shop and skyrocket the turnover rate. Most important, it does nothing for productivity because people will make more mistakes. When you rush to do anything, the risk for mistakes is EXTREMELY HIGH.
In other words, if not applicable, stop using deadlines. Instead, call them what they are, GOALS! Anyone that has managed a project, regardless of project type, has experienced change. Change in requirements, change in schedule, change in stakeholder availability, CHANGE DAMN IT! You cannot escape it. With goal oriented projects, changes can occur or the project may fail, but no one dies! With deadline oriented projects, critical changes can occur yet someone will die if the project fails.
Be a leader. Trust your team. If they look down, inspire them. Best believe stressing them will only make things worse. If your brain is wondering “How do you inspire a team?”, then you have some research to do. It is very VERY easy.
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